Fifth Gate Master Cylinder Photo Index 2

Please click on the photos to see them larger.

Dance of 5 Elements: Air

Air & Fire

Air & Fire

Earth Element

Earth Element: grounding it

The flaming Fire Element

The elegant Water Element

Flowing Water

More Water!

Swoshing Water

Antion & Solara

5th Gate Photos: 1
5th Gate Photos: 2
5th Gate Photos: 3
5th Gate Photos: 4
5th Gate Photos: 5
5th Gate Photos: 6
5th Gate Photos: 7
5th Gate Photos: 8
5th Gate Photos: 9
5th Gate Photos: 10

5th Gate Photos: 11
5th Gate Photos: 13
5th Gate Photos: 14
5th Gate Photos: 15
5th Gate Photos: 16
5th Gate Photos: 17

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